It's Enzo!

It's Enzo!

Enzo, short for Lorenzo, is a black lab mix.  He has the thick black fur of labs, as well as the gentle disposition, playfulness and intelligence.  But Enzo is truly unique in that he is that rare unicorn - the peacemaker dog.  This amazing big boy can spot when a couple of other dogs are getting a bit hot and bothered, and he'll jump in before anything can happen, distracting them both and leading one of the dogs off to play.  We've seen him do this on many occasions.

He has the active nature of black labs and really loves early morning runs and evening strolls. He is the perfect running companion. Not only can he trot for a good 2 or 3 miles easily, but he's big enough to make unwelcome attention stay away.

He is not all aggressive.  He doesn't need to be. He is fantastic with people, other dogs and even chickens!  Although he looks like an adult, he's only a year old and is really a big puppy, so still occasionally chews something he shouldn't.  He is also very interested in other dogs and is convinced they should all be his friends even when they aren't so sure. So, he is still learning how to ignore new dogs while on a leash, until they have been properly introduced.

He is truly something special and needs a home where he is seen for the amazing dog that he is. 

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